This major mode for GNU Emacs provides support for editing Povray scene files, rendering and viewing them. It automatically indents blocks, both {} and #if #end. It also provides context-sensitive keyword completion and font-lock highlighting, as well as the ability to look up those keywords in the povray docu. INSTALLATION Add the following code to your emacs init file. (add-to-list 'load-path "~/john/pov-mode-3.x") (autoload 'pov-mode "pov-mode" "PoVray scene file mode" t) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.pov\\'" . pov-mode)) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.inc\\'" . pov-mode)) The "~/john/pov-mode-3.x" should be the path to the file pov-mode.el . Once installed, you may need to set pov-include-dir and pov-documentation-directory. You can set these by using M-x set-variable or M-x customize-group RET pov RET. Byte compile the pov-mode.el to make it load faster. Type M-x byte-compile-file. To read pov-mode documentation, type M-x pov-mode then C-h m. To access the pov-mode info file type C-u C-h i RET. This will prompt you for a file: give the file that you can find in the pov-mode.el directory. Or install somewhere in your INFOPATH and run install-info dir. Download and install somewhere the InsertMenu directory, if you want this nice feature. I'd recommend you to unpack it in the same directory of pov-mode.el and check via M-x customize-group that the variable pov-insertmenu-location has the correct value. It is possible that has a fresher version of this package.