This library uses OS X CoreLocation services to put useful information into variables `osx-location-latitude' and `osx-location-longitude'. To use, run `osx-location-watch', which starts monitoring the location asynchronously. To add code which responds to location changes, use `osx-location-changed-hook'. For example, you might add a hook function which updates `calendar-latitude' and `calendar-longitude' (defined in the built-in library `solar'). Hook functions take no arguments; when your hook function runs, it can use the freshly-updated values of `osx-location-latitude' and `osx-location-longitude'. Here's an example: (eval-after-load 'osx-location '(when (eq system-type 'darwin) (add-hook 'osx-location-changed-hook (lambda () (setq calendar-latitude osx-location-latitude calendar-longitude osx-location-longitude calendar-location-name (format "%s, %s" osx-location-latitude osx-location-longitude)))))) Comes bundled with a required executable called EmacsLocationHelper, which does the communication with CoreServices; if you don't trust me, you can build it yourself from the instructions at or using the bundled Makefile.