This code allows you to grab either the current selected items, or the frontmost url in various mac appliations, and insert them as hyperlinks into the current org-mode document at point. This code is heavily based on, and indeed incorporates, org-mac-message.el written by John Wiegley and Christopher Suckling. Detailed comments for each application interface are inlined with the code. Here is a brief overview of how the code interacts with each application: - grab links to the selected files in the frontmost window - grab links to the selected messages in the message list - Grab links to the selected addressbook Cards - Grab the url of the frontmost tab in the frontmost window Vimperator/ - Grab the url of the frontmost tab in the frontmost window - Grab the url of the frontmost tab in the frontmost window Google - Grab the url of the frontmost tab in the frontmost window - Grab the url of the frontmost tab in the frontmost window - Grab the url of the frontmost tab in the frontmost window - Grab links to the selected items in the library list - Grab a link to the selected page in the topmost pdf document Microsoft - Grab a link to the selected message in the message list DEVONthink*.app - Grab a link to the selected DEVONthink item(s); open DEVONthink item by reference - Grab a link to the selected Evernote item(s); open Evernote item by ID - Grab the url of the frontmost tab in the frontmost window Installation: Add (require 'org-mac-link) to your `.emacs' or `init.el'. If you are using `use-package' add the following: (use-package org-mac-link :ensure t) Optionally bind a key to activate the link grabber menu, like this: (add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c g") 'org-mac-link-get-link))) Usage: Type C-c g (or whatever key you defined, as above), or type M-x org-mac-link-get-link RET to activate the link grabber. This will present you with a menu to choose an application from which to grab a link to insert at point. You may also type C-g to abort. Customizing: You may customize which applications appear in the grab menu by customizing the group `org-mac-link'. Changes take effect immediately. You can also add grab handlers for other apps, just by updating `org-mac-link-descriptors', for instance: `(push '("W" "ord" my-word-handler t) org-mac-link-descriptors)'