An Org-babel “language” whose execution produces PNGs from LaTeX snippets; useful for shipping *arbitrary* LaTeX results in HTML. Below is an example of producing a nice diagram; type it in and C-c C-c to obtain the png. Then C-c C-x C-v to inline the resulting image. #+PROPERTY: header-args:latex-as-png :results raw value replace #+begin_src latex-as-png :file example :resolution 150 \smartdiagram[bubble diagram]{Emacs,Org-mode, \LaTeX, Pretty Images, HTML} #+end_src Hint: Add the following lines to your init to *always* re-display inline images. ;; Always redisplay images after C-c C-c (org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c) (add-hook 'org-babel-after-execute-hook 'org-redisplay-inline-images)