This package is a keystroke visualizer for GUI version Emacs. You no longer need to use external tools to display keystrokes when creating screencasts! You can see how it works on the following page. Usage: Add the following to your .emacs. (require 'keypression) Then, if you want to display keystrokes, do the following: M-x keypression-mode Run it again to turn it off. The default is a simple display, so you can customize it as follows. (setq keypression-use-child-frame nil keypression-fade-out-delay 1.0 keypression-frame-justify 'keypression-left-justified keypression-cast-command-name t keypression-cast-command-name-format "%s %s" keypression-combine-same-keystrokes t keypression-font-face-attribute '(:width normal :height 200 :weight bold))