InnoSetup is an Application Installer for Windows See: This version of iss-mode.el is tested with InnoSetup v5.0 iss-mode provides the following features: * Syntax coloring for InnoSetup scripts * Integration of the InnoSetup commandline compiler iscc.exe - Compilation via M-x iss-compile - Jump to compilation error via M-x next-error * Start Innosetup help via M-x iss-compiler-help * Test the installation via M-x iss-run-installer Of course you can bind this commands to keys (e.g. in the iss-mode-hook) My initialization for InnoSetup looks like this: (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(("\\.iss$" . iss-mode))) (setq iss-compiler-path "c:/Programme/Inno Setup 5/") (add-hook 'iss-mode-hook 'xsteve-iss-mode-init) (defun xsteve-iss-mode-init () (interactive) (define-key iss-mode-map [f6] 'iss-compile) (define-key iss-mode-map [(meta f6)] 'iss-run-installer))) The latest version of iss-mode.el can be found at: Comments / suggestions welcome!