Add something like below to `~/.emacs`: (add-hook 'go-mode-hook #'(lambda() (require 'go-imports) (define-key go-mode-map "\C-cI" 'go-imports-insert-import) (define-key go-mode-map "\C-cR" go-imports-reload-packages-list))) Say you have in your GOPATH, and you want to use this package in your go file. Invoking (go-imports-insert-import "require") will insert the import line import ( "" ) in the file. If invoked interactively, it will insert an import for the symbol at point. The mappings from the package name (e.g., "require") to thus package path (e.g., "") is discovered by scanning all the *.go files under GOROOT and GOPATH when the go-imports-insert-import is first called. Calling go-imports-reload-packages-list will reload the package-name mappings.