Freeze It ========= An Emacs minor mode to kill your inner editor! Every writer struggles to balance their creative and critical sides, with progress frequently hindered by the temptation to go back and revise to get things *just right*. Freeze It aims to combat this temptation. After an idle delay freeze-it-delay all text between point-min and a configurable distance before point will be made read-only. Option freeze-it-go-back controls how far this distance "goes back" before freezing text. This can be nil, word, line, visible-line, line, or paragraph. Command freeze-it-show will momentarily highlight read-only text in the buffer while there is no user input. The highlighting uses freeze-it-show face and displays for freeze-it-show-delay seconds. Text remains read-only until you kill the buffer, so that you can't cheat. This is by design, because the minor mode targets the psychological *temptation* to revise your writing, rather than just the ability. Installation ------------ The latest stable release is available via [MELPA-stable][1]. First, add MELPA-stable to your package archives: M-x customize-option RET package-archives RET Insert an entry named melpa-stable with URL: You can then find the latest stable version of freeze-it in the list returned by: M-x list-packages RET If you prefer the latest but perhaps unstable version, do the above using [MELPA][2]. Bugs and Feature Requests ------------------------- Send me an email (address in the package header). For bugs, please ensure you can reproduce with: $ emacs -Q -l freeze-it.el Known issues are tracked with FIXME comments in the source. [1]: [2]: