Remember that you need to patch surf for history and incremental search to work! See Set your history and bookmark file: (setq exwm-surf-history-file "/home/me/.surf/history") (setq exwm-surf-bookmark-file "/home/me/.surf/bookmarks") Get exwm to run `exwm-surf-init' to create the proper key bindings. (add-hook 'exwm-manage-finish-hook 'exwm-surf-init)) You can customize `exwm-surf-key-bindings' to modify them to your liking. The defaults are: - C-s / C-r Incremental search - C-o Open a new URL - C-M-o Edit the current URL - M-b Go to a bookmark - C-M-b Add a bookmark - C-w Copy the current URL to the kill ring - C-y Send Surf to the URL at the front of the kill ring - M-f Open the current URL in the default browser (See `browse-url') The search recognizes prefixes (g for duckduckgo, go for google, df for dwarf fortress, ...). See `exwm-search-prefixes-alist'.