Java extension for the eglot LSP client. Some of the key features include the following: - Automatic installation of the Eclipse JDT LSP server (latest milestone release). - Ability to pass JVM arguments to the Eclipse JDT LSP server (eglot-java-eclipse-jdt-args) - Wizards for Spring, Micronaut, Quarkus, Vert.x, Maven and Gradle project creation - Generic build command support for Maven and Gradle projects - Basic JUnit tests support eglot-java dynamically modifies the "eglot-server-programs" variable, you can change that behavior with the variable "eglot-java-eglot-server-programs-manual-updates" - you may prefer using directly default jdtls Python script, eglot-java doesn't use that (eglot defaults to jdtls) - eglot-java calls the relevant Java command directly, both for historical reasons and for potentially avoiding any Python dependency (Windows, Mac OS) If you're having issues with Gradle projects (auto-completion), ensure that you're using the gradle wrapper in your projects: - The root cause is likely JVM incompatibilities with the bundled Eclipse Gradle version - Check your default JDK version - If using a recent Eclipse JDT LS snapshot, check its bundled gradle version: - Check the gradle compatibility matrix: - Use the gradle wrapper to ensure that you always have a compatible matching JVM version - Edit directly your gradle/wrapper/ - or download the matching Gradle version for your JVM and run: gradle wrapper Below is a sample configuration for your emacs init file (add-hook 'java-mode-hook 'eglot-java-mode) (with-eval-after-load 'eglot-java (define-key eglot-java-mode-map (kbd "C-c l n") #'eglot-java-file-new) (define-key eglot-java-mode-map (kbd "C-c l x") #'eglot-java-run-main) (define-key eglot-java-mode-map (kbd "C-c l t") #'eglot-java-run-test) (define-key eglot-java-mode-map (kbd "C-c l N") #'eglot-java-project-new) (define-key eglot-java-mode-map (kbd "C-c l T") #'eglot-java-project-build-task) (define-key eglot-java-mode-map (kbd "C-c l R") #'eglot-java-project-build-refresh)) Sometimes you may want to add/modify LSP server initialization settings. JDT LS settings documentation: - For basic flexibility, you can control the ":settings" node of the LSP server configuration via the variable "eglot-workspace-configuration". - For greater flexibility, you can leverage the "eglot-java-user-init-opts-fn" variable. - You'll need to bind the value of the "eglot-java-user-init-opts-fn" with your own callback function. - You'll need to return a property list of valid JDT LS settings (merged with defaults) (setq eglot-java-user-init-opts-fn 'custom-eglot-java-init-opts) (defun custom-eglot-java-init-opts (server eglot-java-eclipse-jdt) "Custom options that will be merged with default settings." '(:bundles ["/home/me/.emacs.d/lsp-bundles/"] :settings (:java (:format (:settings (:url "") :enabled t))))) The behavior of the "eglot-java-run-test" function depends on the cursor location: - If there's an enclosing method at the current cursor location, that specific test method will run - Otherwise, all the tests in the current file will be executed You can upgrade an existing LSP server installation with the "eglot-java-upgrade-lsp-server" function. You can upgrade an existing JUnit jar installation with the "eglot-java-upgrade-junit-jar" function.