An attempt to get context sensitive Javascript completion in Emacs. Basic completions are obtained by parsing Javascript code with Js2-mode's parser. Installation Easiest way to get ac-js2 is to install it from MELPA. You may need this snippet `(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)' if you don't have it already to fetch packages from MELPA. Enable ac-js2 in js2-mode as follows: (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'ac-js2-mode) Ac-js2 does not require auto-complete mode but I suggest you grab it anyway as ac-js2 is designed to work with a completion frontend. Support for Company mode is on its way. For more comprehensive completions you can opt to evaluate the code for candidates. A browser needs to be connected to Emacs for the evaluation completions to work. Put this in your init.el file. `(setq ac-js2-evaluate-calls t)' To add completions for external libraries add something like this: (add-to-list 'ac-js2-external-libraries "path/to/lib/library.js") Then connect a browser to Emacs by calling `(run-skewer)'. You may need to save the buffer for completions to start. If auto-complete mode is installed on your system then completions should start showing up otherwise use `completion-at-point'. Note: library completions will only work if `ac-js2-evaluate-calls' is set and a browser is connected to Emacs. Bonus: M-. is bound to `ac-js2-jump-to-definition' which will jump to Javascript definitions found in the same buffer. Given the following proprety reference:; placing the cursor on `foo', `bar' or `baz' and executing M-. will take you straight to their respective definitions. Use M-, to jump back to where you were. Also works for object literals. Recently added `ac-js2-expand-function' that will expand a function's parameters bound to `C-c C-c`. Expansion will only work if the cursor is after the function. If you have any issues or suggestions please create an issue on Github: