This package work `ac-html' and `company-web', please, install one of these.
For `ac-html' users: Since ac-html 0.4 is alpha stage, and not stable yet. This
package works with ac-html 0.3 series, if you are using ac-html 0.4
series, you may downgrade ac-html aka reinstall from melpa-stable.
Install `csswatcher':
sudo cpan i CSS::Watcher
Please, keep CSS::Watcher up-to-date.
Recommended version of csswatcher is 0.4.7 (run `csswatcher -v'). Update:
sudo cpan i CSS::Watcher
Configuration, Emacs:
(require 'ac-html-csswatcher)
;; or if you prefer company-style names:
To enable completion when editing html use M-x `ac-html-csswatcher+' (or `company-web-csswatcher+') or add it in your hook.
Configuration, project:
File ".csswatcher" may indicate root of your project and used for set ignored files:
% cat .csswatcher
# ignore all css
ignore: \.css$
# except app.css
use: app\.css
# and skip recursive scanning node_modules, it may be slow!
skip: node_modules
Otherwise projectile way used for root directory.
So if you use `ac-html-bootstrap' and don't want to parse your bootstrap.css
create in your project file .csswatcher with line:
ignore: bootstrap
Note: completion will regenerated by csswatcher after saving css,
less, opening html(jade,slim,haml) files, or manually by
`ac-html-csswatcher-refresh' or `company-web-csswatcher-refresh'.