- Description
- A dimmer switch for your lighter text
- Latest
- delight-1.7.tar (.sig), 2024-Mar-31, 50.0 KiB
- Maintainer
- Phil Sainty <[email protected]>
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- delight.xml
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Full description
Enables you to customise the mode names displayed in the mode line. For major modes, the buffer-local `mode-name' variable is modified. For minor modes, the associated value in `minor-mode-alist' is set. Example usage: (require 'delight) (delight 'abbrev-mode " Abv" "abbrev") (delight '((abbrev-mode " Abv" "abbrev") (smart-tab-mode " \\t" "smart-tab") (eldoc-mode nil "eldoc") (rainbow-mode) (overwrite-mode " Ov" t) (emacs-lisp-mode "Elisp" :major))) The first argument is the mode symbol. The second argument is the replacement name to use in the mode line (or nil to hide it). The third argument is either the keyword :major for major modes or, for minor modes, the library which defines the mode. This is passed to ‘eval-after-load’ and so should be either the name (as a string) of the library file which defines the mode, or the feature (symbol) provided by that library. If this argument is nil, the mode symbol will be passed as the feature. If this argument is either t or 'emacs then it is assumed that the mode is already loaded (you can use this with standard minor modes that are pre-loaded by default when Emacs starts). To determine which library defines a mode, use e.g.: C-h f eldoc-mode RET. The name of the library is displayed in the first paragraph, with an “.el” suffix (in this example it displays “eldoc.el”, and therefore we could use the value “eldoc” for the library). Important note: Although strings are common, any mode-line construct is permitted as the value (for both minor and major modes); so before you override a value you should check the existing one, as you may want to replicate any structural elements in your replacement if it turns out not to be a simple string. For major modes, M-: mode-name For minor modes, M-: (cadr (assq 'MODE minor-mode-alist)) for the minor MODE in question. Conversely, you may incorporate additional mode-line constructs in your replacement values, if you so wish. e.g.: (delight 'emacs-lisp-mode '("Elisp" (lexical-binding ":Lex" ":Dyn")) :major) See `mode-line-format' for information about mode-line constructs, and M-: (info "(elisp) Mode Line Format") for further details. Also bear in mind that some modes may dynamically update these values themselves (for instance dired-mode updates mode-name if you change the sorting criteria) in which cases this library may prove inadequate.
Old versions
delight-1.5.el.lz | 2016-Jul-13 | 3.62 KiB |